Friday, 31 March 2017

10 Things Every Woman Needs In Her Car

Image result for black woman driving a bentley

Ladies, we know all too well how important it is to always be ready, for literally anything! Especially if you live in a city like Lagos, where traffic is as unexpected as our epileptic power supply. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic on your way to a hot date but you don’t have spare makeup or killer heels to switch up from your drab work wear. Well if this has ever happened to you, I’m sure you’ve vowed never to be caught in that situation again. That’s why we’re sharing these 10 things every babe in Lagos needs to have in her car at all times!

Mini make-up bag 

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Now we’re not saying you need your whole vanity closet up in your car. But a few important items that can easily fit in a compact makeup bag should do the trick. Mascara, one or two lip glosses, and your favourite concealer should do. This means you can always touch up your make up in the car and you’ll never have to turn down another unexpected date just cos you’re not covered.

Period paraphernalia 

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We’ve all been there, your period takes a life on it’s own and decides it wants to come a day or two early. What an absolute nightmare! If the thought of asking your colleague for a spare tampon or making a quick stop at the supermarket makes you uncomfortable, fear no more. The next time your period unexpectedly makes a guest appearance, be prepared by stuffing some panty liners, feminine wipes and a couple tampons in a zip lock bag underneath the seat of your car.

Car charger

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Do we even need to spell this one out? Driving around in Lagos is already stressful enough, who needs the added anxiety of a dead phone battery. Avoid this by having a car charger permanently in your car.

Spare set of comfortable shoes 

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Wearing heels five days a week for nine hours a day is no joke. Once it’s 5’clock all you want to do is kick them off. Every woman needs a spare set of comfortable shoes in her car, since after work is when most of us have the time to run some errands.

Spare clean undies

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No need to go too much into detail here but let’s start by saying-it’s best to always be prepared for the unexpected. Ladies, have you ever had a long day running around and had no time for a quick change before you head to dinner with the girls or on a date? It’s miraculous what a change of clean undies can do to freshen you up physically and mentally.

Car support

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Ladies, this is the year of the woman. 2017 is not the year for your car to break down on Lekki expressway and you’re parked off to the side waiting for a good samaritan to come help you. It’s not enough to have spare tires and jumper cables in your car. You need to know how to use them too!

Spare clothes

Well, you already have spare undies and and change of shoes so it makes sense to also have a full outfit change, right? This may seem a little extra but every woman . You’re out running errands around Lagos and have to meet up with someone unexpectedly. Will you risk sitting in traffic to change out of your sweaty clothes? Or quickly stop at a friend’s house to change?


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There’s really no need to be walking around town smelling like yesterday! Every woman should have some deodorant or perfume in her glove compartment to protect her on the hottest days and in the harshest heat.

First Aid Kit

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This is one of those things you never consider and will rarely ever need it. But the day that you do need it and you have this in your car, you’ll be glad you were prepared. A mini first aid kit will usually have everything from bandages, plasters and even ointment for itchy skin.

Breath mints

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No need to let the whole world know you are jollof and goat meat for lunch. If you’re out and about during the day and don’t have the luxury of going back home to brush and floss your teeth, you can still freshen up your breath with some breath mints which can keep very well in your glove compartment of your car.

Are there any other things you thin every woman should have in her car? Let us know!

Thursday, 30 March 2017

13 Basic Driving Ethics Naija Drivers Don’t Practice

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There’s no doubt that driving in Nigeria takes a special grace. We don’t know where from but we know we’re probably all given it at birth, along with our addiction to suya and fried plantain. We know this list isn’t exhaustive, but here are 13 very simple things that Nigerian drivers could start doing to make life on the road a little bit less stressful for all of us.

High Beam Headlights

This action blinds the drivers of oncoming vehicles, making it difficult for them to follow the road safely. We even use the high beam on untarred roads. Offending drivers still don’t budge even if you flash at them a hundred times.
I learnt this almost the hard way on a dual carriageway.. Thank God I only got a warning. But a friend wasn’t that lucky as she got a $350 ticket (i.e N60,000 then…  N180,000 now). After paying such amount, you will feel like plucking out those headlights.

Tailgating vehicles that have siren

When in traffic, drivers begin to warm up as soon as a convoy of cars starts to approach with siren. Every one struggles to join the convoy but the day you will jam army motor from behind!.. straight to barracks. I hope that law against wailing of siren comes back fully implemented.

Over speeding 

You won’t believe we have speed limits in Nigeria. Only in the books sha, implementation is zero. The maximum speed limit in Nigeria is 100 kilometres per hour. With that kinda speed limit, I will just sleep off behind the wheels.

Zebra Crossing 

This Zebra crossing cracks me up with that trending joke.. “You be Zebra?”. But on a serious note, it seems several people don’t know the meaning of those lines. I remember a policeman blaming me because a Keke Napep didn’t slowdown while I was already on the line.
These 4 scenarios usually occur at zebra crossings.
  • If you dare cross when a car is coming.. Sorry is your case.
  • Some good drivers who manage to slowdown for people to cross will testify that the cars behind them will honk the hell out of their horn or even overtake them.. Na wah o.
  • Some will even hit you from behind.
  • In several cases sef, the pedestrian you’ve stopped for don’t know their right. They will just be looking at you as if you are not okay for stopping in the middle of the road.

Road sharing

So much intimidation on our roads. BRT will bully cars, cars will bully Okada, Okadas will bully pedestrians. Who will the pedestrians bully? Let us learn to share the road with love. Are you among those drivers who use their side mirror to deliberately hit pedestrians that walk too close to the road? Just show some love.

Keep to your lane

Some greedy drivers cruise in the middle of the road preventing other cars from overtaking. The saddest thing is, they know how to enter their lane when they want to overtake a slower vehicle that is in front of them. Government should line all our roads as well because that could be a valid excuse.

Excessive honking of horn

We can press our horn for the entire world.. haba. From my research, Over 90% of the things we horn pon pon!! for are not relevant. All we need is just a little patience.
Someone that is traveling on Benin – Warri express will be pressing horn for a car that wants to cross the express 150 metres away. How do you expect the driver to hear? What happened to your flash lights? People who live on major roads should have more to say about this. Also, some of us just place our hands on the horn like it’s a hand-rest. Just a tap will do.

Changing lanes and turning without use of signals

Trafficators are not meant to beautify our cars. Let’s use them. Stop surprising other road users with abrupt turns.

Seat belts

We have embraced this not for our safety, but for police not to chop our money. Some seat belts are not even working especially in those commercial vehicles. Don’t forget to use your seat even if you are in the rear seat.

Traffic light

The yellow light means get ready to stop and not go sharp! sharp!!.. If you see a rear ended (hit from behind) car at a traffic light, this is probably the cause.

Double parking

This is a major cause of traffic congestion. Some roads are obviously too narrow for cars to park on both sides. Some drivers will even park at intersections leaving little or no space for cars to makes turns.

Slowly passing another vehicle/Not accelerating when passing another vehicle

In several countries, it is a traffic offense to be cruising side by side with a car you are meant to overtake. The driver on the fast lane will most likely get a police ticket.

Refusing to yield right-of-way to other vehicles

Everyone likes to claim “nah me get road”. It is bad to the extent that most slow drivers will speed up when you are overtaking them.

Do you practice any of these annoying driving habits? Which ones will you be giving up for good?

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

9 Reasons Why People Buy Luxury Cars

Hello Supercars Of Nigeria fans, its been a while, una know say coming up with Car stories is not easy, I no be Linda Ikeji wey dey talk about everyday things. Anyway, today, we will be talking about why people buy all these extra ordinary cars. ever seen a Bentley and say "Jesuuu"..... well, that has happened to me several times, that was why I created my IG page sef, to show you guys the oppression I encounter everyday in Lagos.

Well, we will be listing 9 reasons why we think some people go for these extraordinary cars, tell us if we're right or wrong.....

1. Attention

If you own a luxury car, then you know what Im talking about. If you dont own one, you still know what Im talking about. When you see a Lambo or a Ferrari driving down the road, looking at it is almost a reflex. Every day you can see people taking photos of a parked super-car. There is something about these fantastic machines that simply pulls us towards them – all of us men and women.
Now, if you own one such car, you are probably used to all the attention your car is getting. It might have felt a bit weird in the beginning, but you liked it anyway. And it is not just about the attention people pay to your car; you also get plenty, as the driver (and the owner). People simply look at you differently; they admire you, they envy you; hell, they hate you, but it all feels good at times, if not most of the time.

2. Passion for Driving and/or Addiction to Adrenaline

Some people are truly passionate about driving, and nearly off all them dream of at least one super-car. You can be a great driver, but the car youre driving makes all the difference. Therefore, for better performance, you need a better car. This hobby is helluva fun, but it is also expensive as hell. The harder you push the car, and the more often you do it, the higher (and more expensive) the maintenance.

3. Status symbol

It might be superficial, but its true. Owning a Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, McLaren, or a Rolls Royce, will bring a certain something into your social life and your social status. People will see you as a powerful person, and, depending on the type of the car you drive, they may also see you as a classy, smart, successful, or fun. In some cases, depending on the car, you can be all of that.
Some people are forced (yes, forced!) to drive an expensive vehicle (when they are not being driven by their personal driver), because their business status simply demands it.
However, if a person has poor manners, and/or other similar issues, there is no super-car in the world that can help him/her. The class will be just an appearance, and it wont last too long. Your car can help you charm people, but it can also help you make them despise you. That part mostly depends on you.

4. The Car Can Help You With Your Business

It can. Seriously. In a way, your car is a statement, just like your company website, or your formal business clothes you wear in meetings. It is an important element that helps constitute the overall impression. And you know how it goes with first impressions: they are easy to form and difficult to change. Therefore, you want your business partners, and your potential clients, to see you as a successful person, someone they can rely on, a person in control.
The right type of car will do miracles in creating this impression. The rest is up to you, of course, but it is always good to have a good start.
And let us not forget the color. Choose the color according to the type of business youre in. Red, yellow, orange and sky blue will be a good choice if you are in the car industry, entertainment industry, sports or arts. Grey, black, white, beige, metallic and other dimmed shades will go well with real estate, law, counselling of any type, and banking.

5. Investment

Yes, buying a luxury car is actually an investment. As the time goes by, the value will increase (in most cases), depending on the maintenance and overall care. This is especially true for rare models, or cars that had been owned by notable people. Steve McQueens Ferrari has been sold at an auction for 12,000,000 USD. And the new owner could probably sell it for more money, if he chose to.

6. Quality

It is a well known fact that some used cars, even if they are ten years old (or older), will still be in better shape and more reliable then a new average car, or even an above-average car. For example, I own a ten-year-old Porsche Cayenne, and it has never let me down. The best car is a new car used to be correct a decade or two ago, but that has changed; each year new cars are made, and each year they disappoint their owners. They are simply not built to last too long.

7. Self-Esteem Issues

Thats right, there are folks with serious or less serious self-esteem issues. They need the car to draw attention, impress others, hoping to feel better about themselves. We know that luxury cars naturally draw attention, so this is an easy way to get it. Even though some of these people know that this kind of attention and kindness are superficial and directed more to the car than to the owner, they are willing to settle for that.
In some cases, these owners are not rich people; after buying a luxury car, they probably wont be able to afford anything else, but at least they will have one good thing to feel good about. Until it is time for the regular big service.

8. A Dream Come True

Nearly every guy has a dream car. Some of them are ready to work hard for years and decades, just so they can buy the cars theyve always dreamed of. It takes sacrifice, dedication, hard work, and very frequent and unpleasant arguments with the wife. And if he survives all that, he definitely deserves a reward. A Bentley, for example.

9. A Gift For A Special Person

Buying a luxury car for a significant other, or a very close person, is a good way of taking their breath away. It can be an expression of gratitude, love, or your intention to be around forever. Of course, forever can bring certain complications, so you should also keep in mind that in case you get divorced, you will have another expensive thing to fight over.