Ladies, we know all too well how important it is to always be ready, for literally anything! Especially if you live in a city like Lagos, where traffic is as unexpected as our epileptic power supply. There’s nothing worse than being stuck in traffic on your way to a hot date but you don’t have spare makeup or killer heels to switch up from your drab work wear. Well if this has ever happened to you, I’m sure you’ve vowed never to be caught in that situation again. That’s why we’re sharing these 10 things every babe in Lagos needs to have in her car at all times!
Mini make-up bag
Now we’re not saying you need your whole vanity closet up in your car. But a few important items that can easily fit in a compact makeup bag should do the trick. Mascara, one or two lip glosses, and your favourite concealer should do. This means you can always touch up your make up in the car and you’ll never have to turn down another unexpected date just cos you’re not covered.
Period paraphernalia
We’ve all been there, your period takes a life on it’s own and decides it wants to come a day or two early. What an absolute nightmare! If the thought of asking your colleague for a spare tampon or making a quick stop at the supermarket makes you uncomfortable, fear no more. The next time your period unexpectedly makes a guest appearance, be prepared by stuffing some panty liners, feminine wipes and a couple tampons in a zip lock bag underneath the seat of your car.
Car charger
Do we even need to spell this one out? Driving around in Lagos is already stressful enough, who needs the added anxiety of a dead phone battery. Avoid this by having a car charger permanently in your car.
Spare set of comfortable shoes
Wearing heels five days a week for nine hours a day is no joke. Once it’s 5’clock all you want to do is kick them off. Every woman needs a spare set of comfortable shoes in her car, since after work is when most of us have the time to run some errands.
Spare clean undies
No need to go too much into detail here but let’s start by saying-it’s best to always be prepared for the unexpected. Ladies, have you ever had a long day running around and had no time for a quick change before you head to dinner with the girls or on a date? It’s miraculous what a change of clean undies can do to freshen you up physically and mentally.
Car support
Ladies, this is the year of the woman. 2017 is not the year for your car to break down on Lekki expressway and you’re parked off to the side waiting for a good samaritan to come help you. It’s not enough to have spare tires and jumper cables in your car. You need to know how to use them too!
Spare clothes
Well, you already have spare undies and and change of shoes so it makes sense to also have a full outfit change, right? This may seem a little extra but every woman . You’re out running errands around Lagos and have to meet up with someone unexpectedly. Will you risk sitting in traffic to change out of your sweaty clothes? Or quickly stop at a friend’s house to change?
There’s really no need to be walking around town smelling like yesterday! Every woman should have some deodorant or perfume in her glove compartment to protect her on the hottest days and in the harshest heat.
First Aid Kit
This is one of those things you never consider and will rarely ever need it. But the day that you do need it and you have this in your car, you’ll be glad you were prepared. A mini first aid kit will usually have everything from bandages, plasters and even ointment for itchy skin.
Breath mints
No need to let the whole world know you are jollof and goat meat for lunch. If you’re out and about during the day and don’t have the luxury of going back home to brush and floss your teeth, you can still freshen up your breath with some breath mints which can keep very well in your glove compartment of your car.
Are there any other things you thin every woman should have in her car? Let us know!
Are there any other things you thin every woman should have in her car? Let us know!
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